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Epimorphics and G-Cloud

Epimorphics now have three services available for procurement via G-Cloud.

G-Cloud ( is a UK Government system to enable the public sector to procure cloud services simply. Since G-Cloud suppliers have already entered into a framework agreement with the UK Government procurement of these services by the UK public sector is very straightforward.
The services we have available are:

  • The Epimorphics Linked Data Publishing Platform: is our scalable, resilient publishing platform to linked data, including a triple store and a SPARQL1.1 endpoint, as well as providing access through the LInked Data API, which enables access to data in human-readable HTML,  developer-friendly JSON,CSV and XML, as well as the various RDF-based formats.
  • Our consultancy, modelling and application development services: for people wishing to publish and use linked data
  • Our full range of training courses: ranging from introductory overviews to detailed technical traning for specialists.

All these services can be procured through the G-Cloud Digital Marketplace; for more information please contact

Note: GCloud tends to be refreshed annually.  For our current live service offerings see: