Epimorphics Ltd is a 100% employee owned company that was formed in 2009. We’re an alumnus of the business incubator and enterprise partnership SetSquared. We’ve grown from that small base as a tech start-up to an exciting, innovative tech scale-up company close to Bristol in south west England.
We are at the forefront of developing standards, tools and applications, working with organisations to integrate, organise, manage, publish and use data. We help organisations connect data, making more effective use of your data assets through open, standards-based linked data tools and techniques.
Our work includes:
● Over 100 projects for over 30 customers
● 10s of 1000s of people using our systems every day
● 100s of live data collections maintained with updates from hourly to monthly

We have a growing team of passionate people who love solving interesting challenges.
Our team includes accomplished computer scientists and data experts. We work flexibly, building virtual teams as we deliver multiple projects for clients and our own technology development.
We focus on collaborating with our customers on projects to deliver real impact. We often run an internship programme for three months over the summer for undergraduates, postgraduates, and those after a career change.
All employees play a role in customer support. For each customer we can provide a dedicated support email address which links to a suitable group of Epimorphics experts.
Our work

How we work
We work with clients on projects from beginning to end, to develop effective strategies that make better sense and use of their data.
For data strategy development and architecture projects we help you understand needs, develop strategies and then implement them. We have worked on projects across the modern data landscape including: data design, data maturity, data storage and access, data science and AI and many more. We are experienced users, implementors and definers of data standards and well versed in FAIR data principles and their implementation in data ecosystems.
For more hands-on data projects you can be assured that our expertise in user-experience design, data design, manipulation and management, and our depth of experience in software development will deliver good digital service design and excellent approaches that make the most of your data.
We regularly assess our full carbon footprint, to quantify, as far as possible, the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the operations of Epimorphics, the services that we run for others and the services that we use. We have assessed and been audited for our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, reducing where possible and offsetting where not.
Our company values promote support for the environment in all aspects of our work. We evaluate contracts we accept to see if a successful outcome to the contract will have a beneficial effect on our environment.
We operate as a Carbon assessed organisation, and publish our footprint details as part of our sustainability statement here: https://www.epimorphics.com/sustainability-summary-statement/. We assess, manage ESG risk and compliance, and manage our corporate sustainability goals using the Ecovadis platform.
Our Services
Epimorphics is available on the gov.uk Digital Marketplace (G-Cloud), or directly. Contact info@epimorphics.com

We’ve been a proud supplier to the public sector since 2009 and have been a GCloud supplier since GCloud 3.
Our GCloud 14 services will be available as both Cloud software (Lot 2) and Cloud support (Lot 3) services from the 9th November 2024.
- Epimorphics Data Platform – enables organisations to transform, manage and integrate data from a wide variety of systems, then make that integrated data available for consumption through easy to use modern APIs and data applications. Customised data-transformations can be used to ingest data from lots of sources including near-real-time data streams. This service can be extended by a number of optional extensions, including our Agora Data Catalog, Agora Concept Store, Agora Measurement Store and Registry.
- Data Publishing – comprehensive support services to complement our Data Platform. This includes targeted consultancy, data modelling, software design and development services to support organisations exploring, designing, managing, publishing and using linked-data, graph data and data APIs. Our service provides dedicated help in design, planning, setup, migration, testing and ongoing support.
- Data Architecture and Strategy – Data and information architecture strategy, design and delivery using cloud / hybrid cloud approaches. Complements our data platform services. Data discovery and analysis. Structured and unstructured data. Conceptual, logical and physical modelling of data systems. Data visualisation. Data transformation approach design and delivery using the latest data technologies.
- Linked Data Training – training courses to support critical data decision makers right through to experts implementing detailed data projects. Our courses suit organisations developing or enhancing data strategies, architecture, building on data standards or growing expertise ready for the use of AI.
You can find our services on the digital marketplace search.