Industry news and comment, from practical tips for publishing open data to inspiring accounts of how open data has changed businesses.
Linked Data Government Community then and now (11 years since UKGovLD)
At the end of June it will be 11 years since the Government and Industry Linked Data Working Group was set up to support the adoption of connected data, web focused data standards and key reference data approaches that have been embedded across the UK Public sector. The group was a great collaborative team that…
What has linked-data ever done for us?
In one of the more memorable scenes of The Life of Brian, John Cleese’s character Reg asks his assembled group "What have the Romans ever done for us?" Followed, as most people know, by a long litany of everything the Romans had indeed done for them.
Reference interval service
When publishing statistics it is important to be able to reference the interval of time to which a particular statistic applies. This is important for individual entries in a statistical data set as well as for any metadata description that bounds the temporal scope of a dataset. In order to align statistical information that relates…
Using Interval URIs in Statistical Data
Statistical publications generally include at least one dimension comprised of the time intervals over which data has been aggregated.