Industry news and comment, from practical tips for publishing open data to inspiring accounts of how open data has changed businesses.
Our API Libraries
SAPI-NT is the next generation of our Streaming API library, for creating APIs over RDF data. This includes a flexible Kotlin library and starter application for providing flexible REST APIs over published Linked Data. It allows data to be accessed in JSON and CSV, as well as linked-data formats, making it easy for non-linked-data experts…
Agora Measurement Store
The Agora Measurement Store is a flexible, highly scalable, cost-effective solution for management of both data and metadata. It combines the best of both worlds.
Agora Catalog
Agora Catalog is a simple to use data catalog that helps people find, understand and access your data. It allows your teams to catalog the datasets and services they create and manage. It provides ways to join datasets together, to share them, and to create communities around data.
MyRivers Android App
As one of our student projects and later intern projects – The MyRivers app demonstrated how mobile device users can browse some of the Environment Agency open river data we helped to publish, and explores how investigators in the field can directly access water-quality data using their phone’s location services.
EA Bathing Water Tableau Demo
This project was developed as a demonstrater exploring APIs using Tableau – it used Tableau Public as simple way to create publicly accessible interactive visualisations using the Bathing Water open data sets that were accessible via an open linked data API.
On-line training material
We have worked with many organizations (large and small, including public, private and voluntary) helping to build capabilities in different aspects of linked data, and equip decision makers with the knowledge and skills that they need to plan and design linked data solutions.
UK Government Reference Data and Linked Data Project
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EA Data Visualisation Demonstrator
We designed, built and ran the flood monitoring API initially for the Environment Agency, The service allowed access to open data for rainfall, river and tide levels. Data was available from thousands of stations across the UK for the last month. This visualisation was built to demonstrate the open data available online to give an…
Our Code repositories on GitHub
Epimorphics are at the forefront of developing standards, tools and applications for the future of data on the web. We believe strongly in the use of open standards and open source. Where possible, we release software that we have developed.