At Epimorphics we help public sector organisations publish their open data. We help users understand the data and explore options for building visualisations and analytical user interfaces over and across data sets.
This project uses Tableau Public as simple way to create publicly accessible interactive visualisations over open data sets – that are accessible via an API (Application Programming Interface).
Tableau Public is a free to use online data visualisation tool. Users can create and share open data visualisations. It can import data in many formats including spreadsheets (e.g. excel, Google Sheets, csv), data-bases (Microsoft Access), and recently also json (Javascript Object Notation) files that can be obtained from many web data sources (APIs). However, it also has a mechanism ‘web data connectors’ that enables data to be imported directly via web APIs.
There is a wealth of data available about each bathing water and there are some interesting aspects of the data that are interesting to interactively explore. The API also makes it easy to get core data.