Industry news and comment, from practical tips for publishing open data to inspiring accounts of how open data has changed businesses.
Student Project: myRivers – an Introduction to Android Development
Epimorphics have been working with a team of second year Computer Science students from the University of Bristol. In this guest post we hear from Mihajlo and the team as they introduce their work.
Highlighting our services
We’ve had a number of requests from our customers for downloadable versions of or service sheets. I’ve highlighted some of these below.
Visualising Linked Data using Tableau – Part 4
Part 4 in a series exploring and demonstrating the use of Tableau Public with Linked Data…
Visualising Linked Data using Tableau – Part 3
Part 3 in a series exploring and demonstrating the use of Tableau Public with Linked Data…
Visualising Linked Data using Tableau – Part 2
Part 2 in a series exploring and demonstrating the use of Tableau Public with Linked Data…
new Environment Agency Rainfall Data and API goes live
Today (Friday 10th Feb 2017) we’ve flicked the switch for the Environment Agency on a new real-time Rainfall data API service, and a simple demo application to show the API in use.
Working with Floods data in QGIS
An introduction to viewing flood monitoring station data in QGIS
Open Data Camp with a Welsh flavour
Open Data Camp continues to grow and and build a diverse open data community. I’m delighted that just before St. David’s Day it is visiting the Pierhead in Cardiff….
Environment Agency Water Quality Archive (WIMS) update
Yesterday we flicked the switch on a large date update to the Environment Agency’s Water Quality Archive (WIMS) service…
What has linked-data ever done for us?
In one of the more memorable scenes of The Life of Brian, John Cleese’s character Reg asks his assembled group "What have the Romans ever done for us?" Followed, as most people know, by a long litany of everything the Romans had indeed done for them.