Industry news and comment, from practical tips for publishing open data to inspiring accounts of how open data has changed businesses.
XML summer school
Early next week Stuart (one of our linked data specialists and data modellers) is at the annual XML Summer School
new services for the EA and FSA
Continuing the busy theme here at Epimorphics HQ we’ve over the last few weeks released new services for the Food Standards Agency, Environment Agency and some commercial clients. We’ve also said goodbye for a short while to Mihajlo one of our summer interns and welcomed Max to the team.
myRivers an Android application
Front-end team summer intern Mihajlo writes about the “myRivers” Android application that he has been working on. The app demonstrates how mobile device users can browse some of the Environment Agency open river data we help publish, and explores how investigators in the field can directly access water-quality data using their phone’s location services.
EA DataViz Demonstrator
Front-end team intern Max Prettyjohns describes some of the interactive data visualization projects he has been working on, using open rainfall gauge, flood monitoring and tidal data from the Environment Agency.
Updates and a new UK coastal tide gauges service
Yesterday we turned on a brand new open data service: the UK coastal tide gauges
2017 summer interns
This summer we’ve two interns from the University of Bristol working on some great projects that use and visualise the linked data services we run
Summer Internships 2017
Applications for this position have now closed.
New data catalog from the FSA provides food for thought alpha goes live…
Silos are architectural heritage from the pre-data era: it is time to move on
Article discussion on the changing data landscape for the public sector – as public sector organisations grapple with better use of data. Focusing on a connected data approach provides tangible benefits and increased flexibility.
see you at the weekend
Some of the team will be at Open Data Camp at the weekend (25th and 26th Feb)…