Industry news and comment, from practical tips for publishing open data to inspiring accounts of how open data has changed businesses.
Ansible and using a Bastion server to AWS EC2 instances
Andrew, our DevOps engineering lead, talks about his experiences with Ansible and using a Bastion server to AWS EC2 instances, when working on our infrastructure development. This post is one of our #TechTalk focused posts, that we’ll be focusing on different areas of our work in the coming months. Part One: introduction As I’ve often…
Introducing our reference data management platform service
We offer a number of services to support the UK public sector through GCloud13. This post highlights our cloud software Reference Data Management (Registry) Platform and associated Reference Data Publishing support service. Our Reference data management platform service enables organisations to manage a version controlled hierarchy of reference terms, delegating authority to different groups in…
Adding Welsh language support to UKHPI
The UK House Price Index is a complex data-visualisation web application that presents house price data across the UK, using Ruby on Rails and VueJS. We recently upgraded the site to be fully available in both Welsh and English languages. Here we look at some of the challenges involved in localising a mixed Rails and…
Automating data pattern recognition for increased efficiency
Redan joined the team this summer for a remote internship, to build tools that would enable us to crunch unstructured data a lot more efficiently.
Creating RDF Explorer
Another of this year’s interns joined us for a three months placement this summer, having completed a year of Computer Science at Oxford Brookes University. Louise was set to work on an internal project that demonstrates RDF through an application that we hope to embed in our website, before heading back after the summer for…
Building a SPARQL query editor in VueJS
This summer, for three months, I had the chance to work for Epimorphics as an Intern on an internal project to rewrite Qonsole in Vue JS. Qonsole is a project that my mentor, Ian, worked on seven years ago, as a simple console for running SPARQL queries on the web. The goal of this project…
Remote internships and developing a disabled parking application
We’ve been running our internship programme for the last 5 years at Epimorphics and we really value the interns’ input and fresh perspective to different projects.
Food Alerts API Python Wrapper
The FSA Food Alerts API provides data on alerts regarding food safety and hygiene, ranging from undeclared allergens to pathogen risks. The dataset the API provides has tremendous potential for data analysis which can provide interesting insights about the food market.
API Wrapper Generator
My first task as a software development intern at Epimorphics was to create a Python API wrapper for the FSA Food Alerts API ( This wrapper makes consuming the API much easier and allows users to process and analyse the data the API provides without having to worry about the details around accessing the API.