Industry news and comment, from practical tips for publishing open data to inspiring accounts of how open data has changed businesses.
URIs for Linked Data
#TechTalk: URIs and URLs for linked data, is an old topic but one which keeps coming up in discussions so it seemed worth a refresher… Why URLs at all? Linked Data is all about helping people understand and combine data from different sources, or over time. For that to be possible we want to create…
Introducing our Consultancy Services
We offer a number of consultancy based services that bring our expertise and experience to helping organisations make the best of their data. For example we support the UK public sector including via GCloud13. This post highlights our team of experts, our cloud support services and other consultancy offerings. Our recent posts have highlighted a…
Introducing our Data Integration and Publishing Platform service
We offer a number of services to support the UK public sector through GCloud13. This post highlights our cloud software Data Integration & Publishing Platform and associated Data Integration & Publishing support service. Our data integration and publishing platform enables organisations to transform and integrate data from a wide variety of systems and then make…