We offer a number of consultancy based services that bring our expertise and experience to helping organisations make the best of their data. For example we support the UK public sector including via GCloud13. This post highlights our team of experts, our cloud support services and other consultancy offerings.

Our recent posts have highlighted a number of our platform services and our software product offerings. These are underpinned by our fantastic team of experts, engineers and software developers. Our team has a track record of creating innovative solutions that stretches over many years. We can help you to identify new opportunities for using, sharing and integrating datasets. We’re at the forefront of developing standards, tools and applications for the web of data.
We provide consultancy services in support of our service and product offerings with a complete range of data consultancy services including: data modelling, software design and software development. If your organisation needs to explore, design and exploit its data, especially using linked data and FAIR data principles, then we can help.
We focus on data management, open data, FAIR data, data sharing, data APIs, data integration, semantic web, linked data, data design and modelling, data catalogs and data explorers.
Our team has a wealth of experience in all aspects of Linked Data and semantic technologies. We are recognised globally for building and contributing to the development of open data standards and open source technologies that are trusted and used in the public and private sector. Our team have also been active in supporting the development of Open Data Initiatives within the UK. We helped to develop the standards that underpin linked data.
To give some examples:
- We provided consultancy expertise for the “Environmental sensor network data and metadata review and development” project, that helped inform the way that UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology will take forward its plans around modelling, managing and describing its sensor data
- We worked with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to implement a Regulated Products Register on the data platform service that we operate for them
- We have provided expert advice, data modelling and software development to support the French Geoscience Data Registry
- and a wide variety of other small and large projects over the last few years
We have also helped many organisations build applications to help them make the best use of their data or make it accessible to those that need it. For example:
- We built a new version of the Environment Agency’s Hydrology Service that scales to 5 billion measurements across thousands of measurement stations. While delivering good retrieval performance using our Agora Measurement Store
- We worked with the FSA to design, build and run a Food Alerts service that supports the publication process (reducing publication time) and providing quality structured data via an API that is used by the FSA and the food industry.
- and a wide variety of other examples over the last few years
GET IN TOUCH if you have any ideas and think that we could help or want to know more about our work and previous projects.
We’d love to help you:
- Make your data accessible to the people who need it
- Explore data API development
- Discuss data explorers and embeddable web content (widgets) that support users to discover, explore and extract your data
- Talk about data design and best practice
- Sharing data using FAIR principles
- Review architecture choices
- Discuss data management practices and data catalogs
- Help you think about visualisations that can help you build insight and tell compelling stories with your data
- Build or modify applications to help you make the best use of your data