Industry news and comment, from practical tips for publishing open data to inspiring accounts of how open data has changed businesses.
Spring Boot Plugin Development
Simon, one of our senior engineers in this #TechTalk post explores the use cases and methodology for implementing, packaging and integrating Spring Boot applications which are extensible by external plugins. This post refers to application and library code written in Kotlin and managed by Maven, but should be applicable to any other equivalent Spring-compatible technologies.…
Experimenting with AI for Data Analysis
When we last experimented with Large Language Models (LLMs), and their embodiment in agents like ChatGPT, we had mixed results. Applying ChatGPT-3, as it was then, to the problem of data modelling and ontology generation we found it impressive but ultimately the results were superficial and of limited use for practical modelling work in its…
URIs for Linked Data
#TechTalk: URIs and URLs for linked data, is an old topic but one which keeps coming up in discussions so it seemed worth a refresher… Why URLs at all? Linked Data is all about helping people understand and combine data from different sources, or over time. For that to be possible we want to create…
The problem of state, running linked data services in Kubernetes
An important part of our work involves running and managing services for our clients. Whether public facing data services such as the Environment Agency Hydrology service or Food Standards Agency listings of regulated products, or private data services used for data integration and access within a client’s business. Running so many managed services efficiently means…
Introducing our Consultancy Services
We offer a number of consultancy based services that bring our expertise and experience to helping organisations make the best of their data. For example we support the UK public sector including via GCloud13. This post highlights our team of experts, our cloud support services and other consultancy offerings. Our recent posts have highlighted a…
Regression testing and data checking using SPARQL
Many of our projects involve the transformation of source data from a tabular format into RDF that has been aligned with classes and properties drawn from RDF vocabularies. Over time the source data, target vocabularies and the transforms themselves can be subject to change. We have a growing number of relatively generic regression checks that…
Automating data pattern recognition for increased efficiency
Redan joined the team this summer for a remote internship, to build tools that would enable us to crunch unstructured data a lot more efficiently.