Industry news and comment, from practical tips for publishing open data to inspiring accounts of how open data has changed businesses.
Creating RDF Explorer
Another of this year’s interns joined us for a three months placement this summer, having completed a year of Computer Science at Oxford Brookes University. Louise was set to work on an internal project that demonstrates RDF through an application that we hope to embed in our website, before heading back after the summer for…
Building a SPARQL query editor in VueJS
This summer, for three months, I had the chance to work for Epimorphics as an Intern on an internal project to rewrite Qonsole in Vue JS. Qonsole is a project that my mentor, Ian, worked on seven years ago, as a simple console for running SPARQL queries on the web. The goal of this project…
XML Summer School
This year Stuart is supporting the SPARQL and Data Modelling sessions at the 2018 XML Summer School.
XML summer school
Early next week Stuart (one of our linked data specialists and data modellers) is at the annual XML Summer School
What has linked-data ever done for us?
In one of the more memorable scenes of The Life of Brian, John Cleese’s character Reg asks his assembled group "What have the Romans ever done for us?" Followed, as most people know, by a long litany of everything the Romans had indeed done for them.
Data Autopsy by SPARQL – looking for things that don’t join up
As we take data from different sources data quality issues are something that we have to look out for. This post is about the generic SPARQL queries we use to track down ‘dangling references’ and to develop some insight into the systemic causes of the breakage… a “Data Autopsy by SPARQL”